You may have noticed something different as you watched load up on your computer, phone or tablet – the website has had a makeover and is now sporting a brand new look. I hope you like it and enjoy exploring the world of Mark Edwards.
And, breaking news: It’s back by popular demand!
My online shop is open once again stocking signed copies of all eleven of my solo books.
This is the only place where you can buy a signed copy of one of my novels and also request a personal dedication. Everything is up for grabs from the book that launched my career as a writer, The Magpies to my latest offering, The Hollows. Also available in the shop are two books I have co-written with Louise Voss – The DI Patrick Lennon Series From the Cradle and The Blissfully Dead.
Extra good news for fans of my hugely popular and almost famous touchy tool, light-up pens – with every signed book you purchase, you get a free pen, yay!
It’s the perfect gift for fans of my books and those who may collect signed copies of my novels (and all pen lovers!) or simply if you fancy treating yourself to a personalised copy.
All books cost £10 each. To start shopping, click here.