It’s back! The Book Bunker returns

by | Mar 1, 2023

It’s March, spring is in the air and I am excited to announce the return of The Book Bunker! Each Wednesday in March, starting 8th, I will be chatting to a fellow crime author about their novels and their career and finding out which books, films, etc they would take with them into a survival […]

It’s March, spring is in the air and I am excited to announce the return of The Book Bunker!

Each Wednesday in March, starting 8th, I will be chatting to a fellow crime author about their novels and their career and finding out which books, films, etc they would take with them into a survival bunker.

You can sign up to attend the first event, with mega-bestselling American author Lisa Unger, now. Please click ‘Going’ to let me know you’ll be there and to ensure Facebook notifies you so you don’t miss it

I will post each event weekly but here’s the full schedule for March. All events take place at 8pm UK/3pm ET.

8th March – Lisa Unger
15th March – Elly Griffiths
22nd March – Susi Holliday
29th March – Claire Douglas

You will, of course, be able to chat and ask questions of my guest, and there might even be some prizes.


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