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There are signed copies of The Darkest Water and a few of my other books in Waterstones Wolverhampton. This is the only place to get signed copies at the moment so if you’re local pop in and grab one. (But make sure you take it to the till after grabbing it.)
Weekend read: I Will Ruin You, the new one by one of my favourite authors, Linwood Barclay. Richard is a teacher who averts a tragedy at his school but finds himself entangled with a group of local criminals.  Fast paced, fun and unpredictable. It’s out in July.
Research… Can anyone recommend any other good books about psychopaths/sociopaths?
A huge thanks from Peggy and me to everyone who has bought The Darkest Water so far, the hundreds who came to my launch party last night and everyone who has reviewed it, shared the love on social media and generally made me feel appreciated over the past couple of weeks. 20 books in and it’s still the best job in the world.
The Darkest Water is out now! Available as an ebook (including Kindle Unlimited), paperback and audiobook, to find it just go to Amazon and search ‘Mark Edwards darkest water’. Or ask your local bookshop or library to order a copy. Hope you love it!
Want to see what you could win if you watch my live launch party for The Darkest Water on Facebook tomorrow night? That’s 8pm UK/3pm ET April 16 on my Facebook page. Link in bio or search FB for mark edwards author. You have to watch the party live to get your name in the cookie jar. Hope to see you there!
With sincere apologies to the staff at my local post office, I will be giving away all this stuff at the launch party for The Darkesf Water on Tuesday. Signed books, pens and more! It all happens over on my Facebook page and you have to watch live for the chance for your name to be pulled from the cookie jar. Link in bio or look for Mark Edwards Author on Facebook.
Hot off the press: an interview with me in today’s @expressandstar in which I talk about The Darkest Water (out Tuesday!). Also, giving @theheathbookshop’s books and music festival a plug. That happens next weekend and there are a few tickets left.
Live reading from The Darkest Water which is published April 16, as a paperback, ebook and audiobook.  Calvin is about to discover the dangers of social media…

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